You will be happy to know that I Love Ugly has been approved by the New Zealand government (MBIE), allowing us to ship essential winter items which include Hoods, Jackets, Sweaters,Pants, Socks, Beanies during the level 4 lockdown period. This means that if you order an essential item from us online, we will be able to deliver this to you on our standard time frames.
If your order contains non-essential items which are (T-Shirts, Hats, Shorts, Leather Goods or Art Prints) your order will not be dispatched until after the lockdown period which is around the 24th of April. You are welcome to still place orders online for non-essential items, just please expect a delay on this item.
Following the rapid changes and uncertainty with the outbreak of COVID-19, our highest priority at this time has been the health and safety of our team and valued customers. As an independently owned and operated New Zealand business, we're very aware of the impact COVD is having on our community and local businesses, so thank you for your patience and support this far.
All of our retail stores remain closed until further government announcements are made. In our dispatch centre, only one person will be operating at any given time. Should a second person be required to meet demand and the backlog of orders, they will follow all social distancing rules (no less than 2m) between individuals and workspaces.
Personnel will at all times use full personal protective equipment (PPE). This includes:
- Gloves
- Face Mask
- Eye protection
- Protective Suit
Warehouse personnel will maintain the highest standards of hygiene at all times while handling your products. They will be wearing PPE at all times when in the warehouse near goods and especially when handling goods. There will be no physical contact with our courier drivers, and social distancing practices will be
maintained at all times.
Please note, dispatch may be slightly longer than usual as we deal with the backlog of orders, but we will remain our high standards of customer service and delivering quality products. We're so fortunate to have such a passionate community behind us. We thank you for all of your support during this weird and uneasy period. We have no doubt we will all come out of this stronger and closer than before.
Stay safe
I Love Ugly.